
5 College Degrees That Are Safe Investments For The Future

5 College Degrees That Are Safe Investments For The Future

There are a lot of different college degrees that you can earn, and some of them may seem more or less enjoyable. However, if you’re looking for a safe investment, then you need to overlook the pleasantries and really get serious about what you want to do. If you’re looking for a degree that can really take you places, here are 5 college degrees that are safe investments for the future.

  1. Nursing Degree

Basically any kind of degree that focuses on a specific medical practice is always a safe investment. There will always be sick and injured people in the world, and thus, there is always a need for doctors and nurses. Not everyone makes it all the way through medical school and becomes a medical doctor, but a degree in nursing is not only much more easily attainable, it is also a field where there is quite a bit of need, which means that it is a secure job prospect that pays pretty well.

  1. Law Degree

If you can make it all the way through law school and pass the bar exam, then you should be well suited to work for any number of law firms, or even open your own private practice. Whether you want to work in criminal court or civil court, and it is completely up to you whether you specialize in criminal, tax, or any other field of law. You may have to pay some dues as a public defender in the very beginning, but it you are a hard worker, you will be able to take on any kind of case that you like and leave the rest behind you.

  1. Environmental Engineering

In a time when climate change is constantly threatening our way of life, we are in constant need of environmental engineers to innovate our way of living so that it is more sustainable. If you decide to earn Marylhurst’s masters in sustainability, you will be equipped to work for any city planning committee, policymaker, or company you like on how to lay out the infrastructure for a more sustainably engineered society.

  1. Computer Programming

If there’s one thing that we will always need, it’s computer programmers. The geniuses who code all of our websites, video games, animations, social media apps, and just about every digital interface we encounter are the designers and builders of our future. If you have a love for computer programming, then you could be the genius behind the next major digital frontier, or in the very least, you will always be able to provide technical support for the rest of us.

  1. Business Degree

If you have a strong entrepreneurial spirit and keen business acumen, then you should definitely earn your business degree and get to work. With your business degree you could take on senior positions such as chief executive officer, chief financial officer, chief administrator – basically the businesses of tomorrow will be looking to you to manage their affairs and lead them into success. All you need to do is decide what kind of business you want to run and the role you prefer to play.