
5 Causes Of Skin Allergy With Your Belongings

5 Causes Of Skin Allergy With Your Belongings

It is hard to believe, but true! Unknowing, you have a skin allergy with your personal belongings, as you know that skin allergy is seen only in a few people, the ornaments or the belongings you wear are used cause skin allergy in few people. But do you know that what are the main causes of skin allergy? Then here I explain the main causes of skin allergy in detail.


The main cause if skin allergy is you ornaments, it is not that the ornaments will cause your skin allergy, but the substance which are used in your ornaments causes’ skin allergy.

Myroxylon pereirae which frequently uses metal in all different kinds of jewelry and some people’s skin will not have perfect contact and causes skin allergy around your neck similar to itching or getting bulged ant the spot.

Also Nickel sulfate Hexahydrate is a metal which is frequently used in jewelry and also clasps also buttons of your clothing.  Nickel sulfate Hexahydrate is also a major source to form skin allergy.

Your Body Lotions and Perfumes

It is a regular habit of using, body lotions, and perfumes, but do you know that Myroxylon Pereirae causes skin allergy, and Myroxylon Pereirae became the regular usage in your, body lotions, and spray perfumes.

So people who suffer from skin Allergy have a closer look with this at this and avoid using them.

Your Soaps and Deodorants

Neomycin sulfate this is also commonly used in your soaps, Deodorants, cosmetics, and pet food, every product has it making Prescriptions on it, so make a clear look on the product and use it.

Fragrance Mix

Do you know that Fragrance mix form 8 types allergy side effects which you commonly use in food, cosmetic products, insecticides, antiseptic, perfumes, soaps, deodorant and also dental products.

Formaldehyde Mix

Formaldehyde is also commonly used in many products like your children dolls, all different paints, household cleaners, cosmetics products many others which you regularly use it.

The above reason seems funny, and they are the regular needs of every human in these days. But before you use any product or any of your belongings have a better look at it. People do not have skin allergy with all the above reasons. Everyone has different types of skin allergy. For example like: some of them have ornament allergy with their jewelry, some of them have deodorants allergy similar to soaps and shampoos also perfumes.

 If you are suffering from skin allergies, go to doctor first know what the causes of your allergy are and avoid them in using.