
4 Ways To Prepare Your House For Storms And Severe Weather

4 Ways To Prepare Your House For Storms And Severe Weather

When most people find out that severe weather is coming to their area, their first instinct is to panic. Severe weather can be very scary, but it will be a lot less frightening if you know what to do. Many people don’t realize how much easier it is to protect your home if you prepare beforehand. Below are some tips for preparing your home for severe weather today.

Put Together A Disaster Kit

If a storm strikes, then you may be without power for a few days. That is why you will need to put together a disaster kit. You should have enough supplies to last at least three days. Non-perishable food items, bottled water, first aid supplies, flashlights, matches, blankets, shampoo, soap and towels are examples of some of the things that you will need to put in a kit. You may not think that being without power is a big deal, but once you go a few hours without it, you will see the necessity for a pre-assembled kit.

Take Inventory Of Everything In Your Home

If you have home insurance, then you could receive compensation for damages and losses. It will be a lot easier for your insurance company to compensate you if you take inventory of everything in your home. You should include serial numbers, physical descriptions, make and model numbers and receipts. You will need to put the information in a safe deposit box in a place that is away from your home. This is obviously something you want to do before the storm is on it’s way. You don’t want to be trying to create an inventory during an emergency or when your power goes out. If you have a list already stowed in a safe place, then you won’t be as concerned with your possessions during a storm and you can focus on caring for your family

Register for Storm Warnings

Many security companies can set up your home security system to alert you when there is a severe weather warning if a storm or even big natural disaster is on it’s way. San Francisco home security professionals suggest that their clients register to receive these warnings on their home system, as well as on their smartphones. That way, you can be notified even if you are away from home or out of town. Families who use Vivint in Erie PA have been able to hurry home upon receiving a storm warning and protect their cars as well as bring items inside before a storm—saving them hundreds of dollars in damages.

Bring Valuable Objects Inside

If you have trash cans, toys, garden equipment or furniture outside, then you will need to bring them in your home. Those types of objects can very easily be swept away in a storm. These things can also cause more damage to your home if you leave them lying around. Some objects can be picked off the ground by strong wind or water, which could result in objects crashing through your windows or glass doors. If you can, try to protect your cars. Move them away from trees that could easily crash down on them, and keep them clear from objects that could smash into the vehicle, causing damage.

It is best to prepare for a storm before it comes. You can prepare today by planning ahead and thinking about these things beforehand. The day that the storm comes will likely be unexpected and possibly stressful—you will not have time to think about these things. Being prepared is always the best way to avoid unnecessary loss, damage, and stress.