
4 Tips For Computer Eye Strain Relief

Do your eyes feel tired, dry, and itchy or do you feel a burning sensation after facing the computer monitor for long hours? Perhaps, these signs are telling you that you’re suffering from CVS or Computer Vision Syndrome. Here are some tips from a Calgary optometrist to avoid strain from computers.

What is CVS?

CVS is a term that covers a wide array of eye pain and strain that’s experienced after prolong use of a computer. CVS is the same as carpal tunnel syndrome and other stress injuries at work. It happens when you are doing the same thing repetitively. Just as the other repetitive stress injuries, CVS may worsen the longer the activity is continued.

How to Relieve CVS?

In today’s world of computers, smartphones, hand-held devices and long hours in front of the TV, eye problems like the Computer Vision Syndrome are increasing among Canadians. Before you experience badly strained eyes, blurry vision and headaches, follow the steps below to prevent worsening of the condition.

1. Take Breaks

Make sure to have a break every twenty minutes when you’re working. Take breaks from constantly looking at your monitor screen. This method is the easiest way of beating computer vision syndrome. Go for a walk, get a glass of water, stretch a bit; just take a break away from the monitor to relieve those tired eyes. Eye drops can also be helpful too.

2. Use Adequate Lighting

Eye strain is sometimes due to too much sunlight going in through the window or by rooms that are brightly lighted. Curtains and blinds can help in reducing too much brightness from the sun that goes into your room. Also, avoid sitting underneath huge overhead fluorescent lights. Using a lamp is highly recommended.

3. Position your Monitor Correctly

How your monitor screen is positioned can add the strain in your eyes. It’s vital that its position at the right distance away from your eyes. It’s advisable to have your monitor screen positioned 15 to 20 degrees below the eye or about 4 to 5 inches as measured from the monitor’s center point and 20 to 28 inches away from the eyes since sitting too close to the monitor makes your eyes work harder.

4. Adjust Monitor’s Settings

It’s important to adjust the screen resolution. Ensure that your monitor has a high-resolution screen. High-resolution screens show sharper and crispier images, which can decrease eye strain.

Also, it’s important to adjust the brightness same with the surrounding and adjust the size of the text and contrast so reading will be easy. Decreasing the blue colors on the screen can also help.

Blue light pertains to short-wavelength that’s visible light associated with eye strain compared to wavelength hues like red and orange.

Do you need an eye specialist? Look for local optometrist like Dr Alex Wilson who can tell you about other factors that may affect eye comfort while facing the computer.