
4 Supplements That Can Help Cleanse Your Colon

Each organ in the body has a role to play. As such, when one part isn’t functioning, the rest of the body’s functions are affected. One of the most important systems in the body is the digestive system. Here is where your body takes in nutrients and hydration to stay healthy and function well. The body separates waste matter from nutrients, keeping the latter and expelling the former. When the digestive system does not work properly, you may experience discomfort. During these times, you may want to make use of four helpful supplements frequently recommended to cleanse and maintain the health of your digestive system and its most important organ, the colon.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains many helpful vitamins, minerals and amino acids that can aid in improving digestive function. Packed with B vitamins, beta-carotene and vitamins A, C and E, Aloe vera can also benefit the skin (including wound healing) and is known to stabilize blood-sugar levels. Aloe vera comes in many forms, including natural plants, juices, gels, creams and in pill form. The form you use should coincide with the area you treat, which makes the pill or juice very good for easing digestive distress and cleansing your colon. With the juice, you can find plain or flavored varieties depending on your preference. You can also use Aloe vera juice in a home colonic kit for regular colon cleansing.


Senna is less well known than Aloe vera but no less powerful in its cleansing effects. Senna is an herb. The leaves and fruit contain natural laxative properties that can facilitate an effective colon cleanse. Senna leaves and fruit may be combined together or used separately. You can use senna in several combinations. Some people like to brew senna tea, while others prefer to use senna tablets. Because senna’s cleansing properties are so powerful, it is important to start with small doses at first.

Organic Coffee

At times, toxins can build up inside the digestive tract, particularly in the final segment of the colon, which is called the sigmoid colon. By the time waste matter arrives in the sigmoid colon, it is pure waste without any further use to the body. Organic coffee is a particularly powerful cleansing agent to the liver and the sigmoid colon, which work together to move pure waste out of the body as quickly and completely as possible. There are two main preferred ways to use organic coffee to cleanse the colon. The first is to drink very strong organic coffee, preferably with no added mixers or sweetener. The second is to mix the coffee grounds with water and use it in a home colonic. Either delivery method can provide detoxification to the liver and entire colonic system, including the sigmoid colon. The second method is more targeted in its delivery.

Psyllium Husk

Like senna, psyllium husk is an herb. Native to India, psyllium husk’s colon cleansing properties are now so well known that the herb is available worldwide. In its essence, psyllium husk is a naturally occurring vegetable fiber. Like any fiber source, psyllium husk expands in the digestive track, acting to “sweep out” built-up toxins and matter and return the entire digestive system of the body to full and healthy functioning. Psyllium husk is also used regularly to maintain regular daily elimination functions. The most popular form is pill or powder. In addition to its colon cleansing properties, psyllium husk is also excellent as a support to maintain healthy blood glucose and cholesterol levels.

Options for Combining Supplements

Aloe vera, senna, psyllium husk and organic coffee can be used on their own or in combination to provide the desired level of colon cleansing. For instance, sometimes Aloe vera juice and psyllium husk powder is combined together in a drink, which magnifies the detoxifying and cleansing properties of each. Senna is typically used on its own, as is organic coffee.

By trying each of these powerful supplements, you can achieve the perfect balance of regular colon cleansing, daily elimination and overall digestive system health and wellness.

Aloe vera photo credit: titanium22 / Foter / CC BY-SA

Coffee beans image credit: “The Wanderer’s Eye Photography” / Foter / CC BY-SA

Psyllium husk image by Bastique (Cary Bass) (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

About the Author: Harvey Barnes is a holistic healer and naturopath. He specializes in restoring digestive health using natural, organic supplements.