
4 Sex Questions You Should Ask Your Doctor Today

Any visit to see a physician, she begin with an introduction and asking honest questions. There are 4 sexual questions you should ask your doctor, whether they are your primary care provider or you are simply in for an infrequent check-up and physical examination.

In reality, most doctors are a bit uncomfortable asking embarrassing personal questions. So you will save them a lot of time and effort, if you ask these particular questions up front. They will probably be surprised, since most physicians visits spend less than 36 seconds discussing sex. That statistic comes from a recent Duke University research study, so get over yourself and ask your doctor these sexually related questions today.

1. Should I get the HPV Vaccine?

In 2014, the Center for Disease Control listed HPV in the top 5 health risks globally. Everyone needs to know about Human papillomavirus or HPV, but it has a reputation of being like the common cold. This is far from the truth, just ask your doctor, if you should get the HPV vaccine. According to Dr. Daris Paduch of Cornell University,” Any guy who is younger than 26 should get vaccinated as soon as possible.” This is a statement made, even knowing that the HPV vaccine isn’t currently approved for males over 26 years or older. Even so, this will be changing and men should keep up with the latest information on HPV. So be sure to ask about it.

2. I’m not having Morning Erections as Often. Should I be Worried?

Not being able to get it up isn’t just related to your sex life. “Loss of erections or problems with sustained erections are a very important indicator of overall health,” says Dr. Paduch. In fact, erection dysfunctions are directly related to a decrease in testosterone and its production. If you are having problems with sex and your erections, this is something that you need to ask your doctor about. Not doing so won’t help the problem, but is very likely to make it worse. Ask that embarrassing question, so that you can have some discussion and get down to the hard facts.

3. Sex hasn’t been as Satisfying Lately. What’s going on?

If you can’t get no satisfaction, you should give your doctor all the details. Ask them what is going on, if your sex life hasn’t been very satisfying of late. Otherwise they will not be able to offer good advice, about what is getting you down and keeping you from getting off. Dr. Paduch has a uniquely modern view on the inability to achieve sexual satisfaction. Satisfaction can be about rigid erections, the volume of ejaculation, or experiencing orgasms.” Many substances including marijuana, alcohol and pharmaceutical drugs can impact your sex life, but a doctor need to know about their use in your daily life. Be honest, so that your answers will also meet to your fullest satisfaction.

4. Should I get Tested for STDs?

If you don’t let your doctor know about your sex life, they will have to assume or make guesswork of it. Asking your doctor about sexually transmitted diseases is important, but getting tested is even more so. Don’t be shy, it won’t help you be better informed or any healthier sexually. You need to get an STD test of some kind, especially if you have multiple partners or unprotected sex regularly. Your doctor can help you, but still keep your privacy and discretion intact. Dr. Paduch gives some excellent advice on this sex question for your doctor, “Be especially honest if you’ve had any drunken hook-ups, since you may not have used a condom or, if you did, you may not remember if the condom broke.” The point being, that a personal history of your sexual activities is only complete, if you tell the truth. If you want answers that are honest, give equally honest responses and talk openly with your doctor.

In summary, asking these questions will open a dialogue between yourself and your doctor.

These are very important questions to understand the answers to, but also talking about these subjects is a sure way to stay sexually informed. It takes being aware of the facts, so that you can have a safe and healthy sex life. Your doctor will be glad to see you take the initiative, but it will also allow them to be a more helpful health care provider for your needs. Safe sex and personal health are inseparable, so make a point of asking these questions of your doctor right away.