
4 Reasons You Absolutely Should Not Tackle Withdrawals Alone

Making the decision to end addiction is an important moment in one’s recovery journey. However, this decision should always include the help of a medical detox facility. As withdrawal can be incredibly difficult and dangerous, it’s important to avoid trying to recover on your own. Read on to learn more about why it’s best to detox with professional help.

Avoid Medical Complications

The process of physically detoxing from substances like alcohol or drugs can wreak havoc on the body. Depending on the level of addiction, withdrawal symptoms may range from a mild headache to delirium tremens or seizures. If you’re trying to detox on your own, you may experience severe withdrawals that inspire you to give in to temptation and start using again.

Alternatively, choosing to seek professional help when detoxing from substance abuse will give you access to medical staff equipped with the expertise and medication to help alleviate these symptoms. Throughout this detoxification process, a team of medical professionals will monitor you 24/7 and give you the tools you need to overcome the worst of your symptoms.

Get a Support System

In addition to providing medical care for the detoxification process, treatment centers offer group counseling and therapy to clients. In these sessions, you’ll be able to connect with your peers and discuss addiction-related concerns, as well as any goals you hope to achieve during rehab. Being able to connect with your peers in this manner is a crucial step in achieving emotional sobriety and developing a support system that you can rely on once you get out of treatment.

Learn Coping Mechanisms

Another reason to detox at a treatment center is to continue on to the next step of your recovery journey. Following medically assisted detox, it’s important to start treatment with a residential inpatient program or an outpatient program. These programs equip clients with the tools they need to navigate the real world while maintaining their sobriety once treatment is over.

Focus on Relapse Prevention

Relapse prevention is another essential part of the recovery journey. Just as going “cold turkey” can lead one to use again, failing to get professional treatment will make someone more vulnerable to relapse. With the help of a strong treatment plan and a professional rehab center, you’ll receive a detailed relapse prevention plan to help you avoid relapsing after treatment.

Recovery is a process that begins with taking the first steps to detox properly. Make sure to get the professional help you need by choosing the right treatment center to help you begin your addiction recovery journey.