4 Issues That May Be Causing Your Dry Eyes

Dry eye is a very common eye condition. The most common cause is that your eyes don’t produce enough tears to keep your eyes lubricated. Dry eye symptoms can range from mild to severe. Some people may only suffer from dry eyes occasionally while for others, it can be a chronic condition that warrants medical attention. If you suffer from dry eyes, there are many things that can cause dry eyes, but some things cause it more than others. Here are four issues that may be causing your dry eyes.
Whether it’s done to eliminate cataracts, to improve one’s appearance, or to improve vision, laser eye surgery can have side effects. One of the most common is dry eyes. This can happen if the laser was too powerful and put tiny tears in the nerves of the cornea. If this happens, you might not be able to produce enough tears to keep your eyes moist. Thankfully, dry eyes from laser eye surgery is usually temporary and only lasts for a few days. At most, it can take up to a few weeks to clear up. While your eyes heal, you’ll need to use eye drops to keep your eyes moist. If symptoms do not resolve, you’ll need to contact your doctor.
It might sound odd but cool or cold wind can also cause dry eyes. These types of winds cause tears to evaporate. If you live in a cooler climate, you’ll need to use dry eye treatment like eye drops and glasses or even goggles to protect your eyes while you’re out and about on windier days.
Some people underestimate the importance of vitamins, but they play a vital role in your life. Even if you consume a healthy diet, you may not be getting all the vitamins you need. When it comes to eye health, a lack of vitamin A can cause dry eye syndrome. You can find vitamin A in many foods such as various fish, broccoli and eggs. Note, a simple blood test will determine whether you are vitamin A deficient.
Finally, dry eyes can occur if you’re dehydrated. The human body thrives off of water, so if you’re dehydrated, you’re going to experience a few unwanted symptoms. These symptoms include increased heart rate, urinary incontinence, dark-colored urine snf course, dry eyes. Increasing fluids usually corrects the problem quickly.
While dry eyes aren’t usually cause for alarm, if left untreated, it can increase the risk of a more severe problem. If you find yourself having to use eye drops more frequently, contact your doctor you can determine the root of the problem.