
4 DIY Projects Every Prepper Should Do Regularly

A prepper is someone who is always prepared in case of an emergency. These people often have great survival skills and know how to live off the land and make do with what they have. They have plenty of food and supplies on hand in case of impending disaster and are often good people to have as friends because they can help quickly in emergencies. Here are some simple DIY projects that preppers should consider doing regularly when they have a few hours on a weekend.

Work on a Compost Bin

If you have never worked with a compost bin before, you may feel concerned that it will be hard to start or difficult to use. However, this is an important step to take if you want to save the environment and also grow healthy foods in your home garden. Composted materials can keep your soil rich and nutritious. You can make an easy backyard compost bin out of used pallets and zip ties. Then, you can use your compost bin for getting rid of your fruit and vegetable peels, grass clippings and leaves from your yard. You will need to regularly add water to the bin, and turn the pile weekly.

Care for Your Septic Tank

You should inspect your septic tank once each year to ensure that the levels are good and that there is not too much buildup in it. Some companies, like Rob’s Septic Tanks Inc., know that when the scum or sludge gets near the outlet device, you will need to pump your tank. You may also need to perform emergency maintenance if your drains are slow, if your outlet plumbing is making noises, or if your septic tank is backed up. Never allow solids to go into the drain field.

Gather High-Energy Food

As a smart prepper, you know how important it is to have adequate supplies of food and water in case of emergency. In particular, you must choose high-energy, nutritionally-dense foods that will serve you well if you do not have access to a grocery store. Consider storing canned food with easy-open lids, and spend an occasional weekend making energy bars with granola, honey, raisins, and similar foods.

Revamp Your Disaster Preparedness Plan

Every prepper should have a disaster preparedness plan for the entire family. However, this plan should be regularly updated as home life changes and children age. The plan should include information about meet-up locations, plans for evacuation and plans to let others know that you are safe.

If you are a prepper, you may have chosen this lifestyle because of political, religious or other personal beliefs. Whatever your reason for preparing for emergencies and practicing survivalism, you will want to be knowledgeable enough to do most things for yourself. These DIY projects are simple enough for you to do no matter how basic your skills are. You may even want to join with a fellow prepper to combine skill sets and to enjoy some camaraderie.