
4 Common Carpet Cleaning Mistakes in summer

4 Common Carpet Cleaning Mistakes in summer

Handmade carpet is a beautiful and very useful accessory for a home decoration. Most of the people love to use handmade area rug for their home. It provides warmth and cozy touch to space and also enhances the beauty of a space. It contains “One of a kind” design patterns. You can see a carpet and can imagine that how hard to weave it. This is woven in pure natural material and that’s why it is 100% hand washable. If a handmade area rug purifies air then it may also the reason of asthma if you use a dirty handmade area rug. For the summer season, cleaning your handmade carpet is very important because it contains 100 times more junks and dust in summer as compared to the other season.   Do you have decided to clean your carpet? Good Idea, but before cleaning your carpets note down the below mistakes which people do while they clean a carpet-

  1. Leaving Stains to dry:

This is at the top of my list because we often leave alcohol, gravy, juice, and pasta on our carpets for hours. You will not feel good to clean your carpet when your room is filled with your party’s guests. Well, if you do not do this then your beautiful carpet will become a victim of permanent stains and deformities. So, Place a sponge or cotton cloth on the wet stain on the time so that it can absorb the maximum alcohol or juice from the carpet.  I want to repeat, DO NOT let the spill stay on your carpets for long. Work faster and you will be able to preserve beauty and increase the life of your carpets for years.

  1. Scrubbing the stain:

Mostly we like to clean spots using hard brush or scrubbing method but keep this in mind that you can destroy the beauty of your carpet using this method. No rubber or scrubbing is allowed(especially for silk rug and wool rug). Rubbing stains, whether it is with detergent or with plain water, it can damage your carpet piles. Your handmade area rug will not look nice after losing its silky texture and colors. Instead, work with a clean white cloth to uncover all the spots and leave it for 15 minutes so that you can save the beauty of your carpet. Put a clean cotton cloth on the affected area and press it with some weight. You can put an old book or some other type weight on it. It will absorb all the fluid without spreading stains on the carpet.

  1. Using Non-Toxic Solution for the colorful carpet:

Use bleach for the colourless carpet or natural colour carpets like white, ivory, cream etc. Do not make the mistake of using bleach on your colorful carpet because it will remove their original colour. Many of us think that bleaching often clears stains and spots from rugs; yes, it is true but only for the above colors. Bleach as the name suggests just removes the coloring agent that causes stains on your carpets such as red wine or grape juice.

  1. Professional Cleaning for silk rug:

A handmade silk rug is an expensive and most exclusive rug. This is woven in pure silk material which is produced from cocoon larva. So, never use a hard vacuum and hard brush for it. Don’t flow water against the pile direction. You should prefer professional cleaning for the silk area rug.

I am sure that this article will prove beneficial for cleaning a carpet. Avoid the above mistakes while cleaning a handmade area rug and give a long life to your beautiful carpet.

Author Bio: Shivani is a professional interior decorator who likes to blog about latest home decorating trends. She believes that it is very important to have a comfortable and well styled personal space in each house as it’s crucial to living a happy and healthy life. You can read her latest posts on Rugs and Beyond.