
30 Energy Saving Tips

Tip 1: Alternative Fuels

Diesel and petrol aren’t the only options available when it comes to running modern day cars. Hydrogen is an example of an alternative fuel that can be used to run cars that are manufactured nowadays. Therefore, we recommend exploring the different types of fuel when purchasing a new car.

Tip 2: Boiler

You will end up paying more in maintenance costs than the value of your boiler if you have an old one. It is recommended that you fit a new boiler every 15 years. Failures are more likely to occur in older boilers. Therefore, you may make savings on your energy bill by connecting a new boiler.

Tip 3: Car

You will save fuel by driving your car with the correct tyre pressure. Also, plan your trips in advance so you combine as many trips as possible into one car journey.

Tip 4: Doors

Cracks and gaps in doors can cause huge drafts, so you should always make sure they’re sealed. To keep the heat in, you should also keep doors closed.

Tip 5: Energy Monitors

Find out which appliances are using the most energy by using an energy monitor. This will also allow you to estimate the cost of your energy bills.

Tip 6: Food

Our local shops stock food from all over the world. But have you ever considered the air miles it takes to get there and the amount of carbon that is produced? That’s why it is better for the environment to buy food from local suppliers.

Tip 7: Garden

Manure can be used to help your garden plants grow. You can create your own by using a composter to turn your leftover food and vegetable peelings into manure.

Tip 8: Heating Oil

Heating oils that take longer to burn have now been introduced. This produces less CO2 and as a consequence will reduce the amount of heating oil you need.

Tip 9: Insulation

You can save a fortune on your energy bill by having good insulation. If you don’t have the right insulation, you will be paying to re-heat your home over and over again.

Tip 10: Jackets

Likewise you will constantly be paying to re-heat your water if you don’t look after your boiler. Your water bill can be reduced by as much as 75% by using an insulation jacket on your boiler.

Tip 11: Kettle

You will use more energy if you fill the kettle to the top. Before you fill your kettle, you should think about how much water you actually need.

Tip 12: Light bulbs

More energy is used by standard light bulbs when compared to energy saving light bulbs. However, they use more energy. Switching light bulbs can save you a fortune on your energy bill, yet it is a relatively easy change to make.

Tip 13: Mobile Phones

Many companies offer to recycle old mobile phones and can even offer you a small payment. Therefore, you should bear this in mind when purchasing a new mobile phone.

Tip 14: Oven

Halogen ovens can reduce your cooking time by 50%.This will make you a huge saving on your energy bill.

Tip 15: Pipes

Securing your water pipes will lower your carbon footprint. It will also keep your water warmer for longer.

Tip 16: Quarterly Cleaning

Any appliance with a filter should be cleaned once per quarter. To function properly they will automatically use more energy when they are clogged up.

Tip 17: Renewable Energy

You can sell energy back to your energy supplier if you have solar panels. You can make money from the energy you don’t use.

Tip 18: Shower

An average shower uses 35 litres of water, whereas an average bath will use 100 litres of water. Your energy and water bill will be reduced if you stop having baths and take showers instead.

Tip 19: Timers

You can state a certain time to switch off all your appliances. If you like to fall asleep with the television on then this will be handy for you.

Tip 20: Use Your Hands

You will make huge savings on your energy bill by putting the modern day food appliances away. Cutting, slicing and mixing food by hand will not use any energy.

Tip 21: Windows

A huge draft can be caused by even the smallest gap in a window, so it’s important to seal them. Double glazed windows will also keep your home warmer. It is also important that windows are always closed properly.

Tip 22: Curtains

Keep the cold out at night by shutting your curtains. It is also important not to drape them over radiators as this will prevent the heat from circulating.

Tip 23: Fridge

Regularly defrosting your fridge will make it more energy efficient. It is also a good idea to leave hot food to cool before putting it in the fridge.

Tip 24: Washing Machine & Dishwasher

Half-load and economy wash settings should be used on your washing machine. The high setting on your dishwasher should only be used for the dirtiest dishes.

Tip 25: Get Cosy

Keep warm by wearing sweaters, socks and slippers at home during the winter. You can stay warm in bed by having an extra blanket.

Tip 26: Plan Meals

By cooking food in bulk and freezing the excess to eat later you can save you a lot of energy. You can also determine what appliances you want to use by planning your meals.

Tip 27: Cooking Heat

After cooking, leave the oven door open. This will allow the warm air to circulate around the kitchen. It may even allow you to turn your thermostat down.

Tip 28: Dishwasher

Don’t rinse dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. Just scrape off any dirt and leftover food into the bin.

Tip 29: Full Fridge

More energy will be used by is partly full in comparison to a full fridge. This is because the fridge is working at full capacity when full.

Tip 30: Right Ring

You the right ring for the size pan you are using. You will waste energy bill placing a small pan on a big ring.

About the Author:

Nationwide Fuels is an energy provider in the UK.