3 Steps To Brain Health

Now that Baby Boomers are aging, the topic of brain health is in the forefront. It is in their nature, as a group, to never really just accept the inevitability of aging. Having grown up in the 60s and 70s when being a hippy and free love was all the rage, Boomers will fight aging, with all they have. Here are three paths toward effective brain health.
#3 Continue To Be A Social Bug
It is very much recommended by specialists on aging to remain socially active throughout your life. Keeping close friendships and relationships with your loved ones stimulates the brain. For those who have a lot of invitations to weddings, birthday celebrations, and other activities, having something to look forward to on the calendar can improve your cognitive abilities. People who become reclusive and do not wish to socialize with anyone are more likely to slip into dementia sooner.
#2 Give That Brain A Challenge
Some people may consider it childish, but exercising the brain can be as beneficial to your mental health, as exercising the body. Those simple crossword puzzles and word games actually challenge the brain and your cognitive skills. There are Scrabble apps and other word games that can be played on your smartphone, while you are waiting, at the doctor’s office or to leave on a plane. Not only are these affordable suggestions, but also quite fun. They also can serve as stress relievers, which is good for brain health. Attending a lecture, at the local university, about a topic of interest can stimulate thought and opinions. Going to a concert to hear your favorite musician works wonders for the brain, also.
#1 Get Up And Move!
Nothing beats boosting brain health like physical exercising. It does not have to be anything complicated. Simply going for a brisk walk, in your neighborhood or the local track at the high school works wonders for the brain. Surprisingly it has been discovered that unplanned activity like gardening, cleaning the house, or dancing around in a free form manner does more for your brain then structured exercise. For those who hate exercise classes or working out with weights, learning that you can put on your old music and just dance about is quite encouraging. There are some doctors that recommend a neurological injury supplement for those who have suffered some sort of head trauma, from trying a new sport like skateboarding or mountain biking. It is wise to keep the movement simple and basic to avoid injuries to the brain.
Of course eating healthy is an additional boost to brain health. People who develop good eating habits consuming plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, and lean meat have healthier brain cells. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day is important. Making sure you either use supplements or food to get Omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin D, antioxidants, and probiotics all make sure you eliminate regular and gain nutrients that affect the brain positively.