
3 Critical Situations When You’ll Need A Backup Generator Most

Losing power to your home is never a fun event to deal with. It can be extremely frustrating, especially when you don’t know when the power will be restored. In times like these, having a home standby generator can come in handy. While purchasing a home generator is a big investment, it is a great one because it will be there when you need it most. Below are 3 situations where having a backup generator will pay itself off.

Summer Storms

From late March through early September, most of United States is warming up, and this can bring some potential bad weather with it. Severe thunderstorms and tornadoes occur more frequently in these months, and the potential to lose power due to these storms is higher. When this does happen, you don’t want to be sitting in the dark with no idea of when the power might come back. Having a backup generator can provide the basic needs of your home. For example, a home generator can provide power for your refrigerator and freezer to keep perishable food from going bad, your heating or air conditioning, your well for water supply and other necessities you require.

A home generator can also help power some convenience related things such as lighting and entertainment to help keep you informed of what is happening in your community.

Winter Snow & Ice Storms

Winter storms typically occur in the U.S. from December through February. While snow is something most people enjoy, or at least can live with, ice on the other hand is a different story. When ice builds up on power lines things can go from bad to worse really fast. Chances are large areas of your community will lose power, and with cold temperatures, it won’t take long for your home to become very uncomfortable. Having a home generator in this situation is critical because it will allow you to heat your home, keep your refrigerator and freezer going and allow you to cook and have lighting so that you can weather the storm in the comfort of your own home without having to seek shelter somewhere else.

Blackouts and Brownouts

While not as common as the other two above blackouts and brownouts are another risk to your utility power service.  When a blackout occurs you may be without power for the better part of a day up to a couple of days. Unlike bad weather, blackouts and brownouts are very hard to see coming. They occur when the electric power demand is near maximum capacity, or a power plant is tripped off-line by a lightning strike, equipment failure or even a geomagnetic storm.

When blackouts and brownouts occur, you want to be prepared for the worst-case scenario of being without power for multiple days. Being prepared with an alternative power source like a home generator can really help keep you comfortable and from losing perishable food in your refrigerator. You will also be able to keep other important appliances in your home up and running.

As electric utilities respond to environmental mandates, the mix of electric power generation will change.  While these changes may aid the environment they will also likely change the reliability of supply.  Depending on where you live, these blackouts and brownouts may become common occurrences, and the more frequently that they happen, the more you should consider investing in a backup home generator. While a home generator can be a fairly substantial investment, by understanding your options sooner than later, you won’t be the one sitting in the dark.

Hi! I’m Ana Walls a  Professional writer, editor and blogger. I really like to spend my full time to write new idea, Losing power to your home is never a fun event to deal with. It can be extremely frustrating, especially when you don’t know when the power will be restored.  Having a backup generator can provide the basic needs of your home.